Module fiovam-po mahery vaika STS roa-channel
Module fiovam-po mahery vaika STS roa-channel

Ny andiany STS famatsiana herinaratra Bwitt dia natao mba hahazoana antoka fa ny mpampiasa dia afaka manao fifandimbiasana tsy tapaka eo anelanelan'ny famatsiana herinaratra AC roa eo ambanin'ny toetry ny UPS roa. (na famatsiana herinaratra lehibe roa, Sns) to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the load. The STS module is a redundant system composed of two completely independent power supplies. Using the STS power static transfer switch is a simple and effective solution. The STS module developed by our company is used to ensure the uninterrupted operation of your sensitive equipment. STS adopts the latest power technology and advanced digital control. It is mainly composed of intelligent control board and high-speed thyristor to provide users with the best solution. .

The static transfer switch is a dual-input transfer switch. Normally, one channel is connected and the other is disconnected. A UPS supplies power to the load. When the UPS supplying one channel fails, the STS automatically disconnects the originally connected channel, connects the originally disconnected channel, and connects the load to the other power supply.

Mametraha valiny

Tsy havoaka ny adiresy mailakao. Voamarika ireo saha ilaina *

Hiresaka amin'i kristin
EFA 1902 hafatra

  • kristin 12:33.PM  Mar.13,2025
    Faly nandray ny hafatrao, ary ity no valin-tenin'i kristin ho anao